Principles of Catholic Identity
The St. Austin School holds fast to the principles of Catholic identity as derived by the Cardinal Newman Society from Church documents.
The St. Austin School:
Is inspired by a Divine Mission
Models Christian Communion and Identity
Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, & Sacrament
Integrally Forms the Human Person
Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World
Learn More About the Importance of Catholic Classical Education
The Need for Thick Schools: Classical Education Against Cynicism
Catholic Classical Education on the Rise
Classic Education and the STEM Initiative
“In the end, we Catholic educators can rest in the knowledge that our Church’s intellectual tradition offers the fullest and most authentic approach to any academic discipline. We need not be blown around by the latest winds and storms of education; our own tradition remains the steadfast lighthouse.”
Catholic and Benedictine Education in the Third Millennium
St. Benedict’s Rule, the Little Silence, and Family Life
Two Elements Lead to Thriving Catholic Schools